Welcome to the revamped 2024 Diamond Journalism Awards. We’ve added several new categories this year and reorganized categories by overall divisions for easier navigation. For entry rules go here.
The divisions: 
  • DIVISION 1 – PRINT/ONLINE recognizes reporting and storytelling via the written word.
  • DIVISION 2 – TELEVISION recognizes visual reporting and storytelling via televised media.
  • DIVISION 3 – RADIO/AUDIO recognizes spoken-word reporting and storytelling via radio or podcast.
  • DIVISION 4 – SPECIAL TOPICS recognizes reporting and storytelling on certain topics from entrants regardless of medium.
  • DIVISION 5 – VISUAL JOURNALISM recognizes photography, graphics and design regardless of medium.
  • DIVISION 6 – COMMUNICATIONS recognizes reporting and storytelling by a public relations, communications or marketing professional or group regardless of medium or business affiliation.
  • DIVISION 7 – STUDENT JOURNALISM recognizes reporting and storytelling by student journalists regardless of medium.
  • DIVISION 8 – CRAFT ACHIEVEMENT recognizes excellence in the craft of news presentation.
  • DIVISION 9 – DIAMOND AWARDS recognizes outstanding work regardless of the medium for community journalism, public service reporting, freedom of information reporting, best new journalist, best student journalist and journalist of the year. 


(Entries accepted from print and online-only publications)
  1. BREAKING NEWS – For clear, accurate and engaging coverage of a single, unexpected news event by an individual or team. Judges will consider deadline pressure and the complexity of the subject. Submit up to three articles from same-day coverage, including sidebars or related multimedia content.
  2. GENERAL NEWS – For non-breaking news coverage. It may include planned coverage of a single event or in-depth reporting. Submit up to three articles and any related multimedia content.
  3. CONTINUING COVERAGE – For ongoing coverage of a topic or significant event over time, demonstrating solid reporting and presentation with complexity and perspective. Submit up to five stories along with any related multimedia content. Entries may include a mix of story types.
  4. ENTERPRISE/IN-DEPTH REPORTING – For coverage that reflects initiative, ingenuity, use of sources and/or special research to dig deeper or capture more complexity than a typical news story. Submit a single story or a series of up to three stories and any related multimedia content. Entry can be by an individual or team.
  5. INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING – For reporting that demonstrates initiative, persistence and resourcefulness in pursuing information that is restricted, hidden by officials or not readily available and is of public interest and significance. COVER LETTER REQUIRED, explaining reporting process and impact or results. Submit one story or a series of no more than six stories and any related multimedia content.
  6. EXPLANATORY REPORTING – For reporting and writing that makes clear significant stories and complex situations that deepen understanding of a subject or focus on subjects covered minimally or not at all by most media. Submit one story or a series of no more than six stories and any related multimedia content.  
  7. EDITORIALS – For opinion writing representing a news organization’s position on a topic or issue. Judges will consider the value to the community, writing style, reasoning, originality and reader interest. Submit three editorials as one entry.
  8. COMMENTARY – For commentary or analysis by an individual. News-oriented blogs are also eligible. Judges will consider the quality of expression, clarity and originality. Submit three columns as one entry.
  9. FEATURES – For individual storytelling excellence. Judges will consider the use of narrative, humor or drama, style, creativity, clarity and suitability of the writing to the subject. Submit one story.
  10. PROFILES – For reporting that depicts the character and personality of a story subject. Submit one story.
  11. SPORTS – For coverage of any sport or athletic endeavor. Judges will consider clarity and style. Submit a single story or no more than three stories representing continuing coverage of a single topic.
  12. SPORTS FEATURE – For outstanding storytelling about athletic participants or a sport itself. Submit a single story.
  13. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT COVERAGE – For coverage of the arts, entertainment or other cultural news. Entry may include news, profiles and features. Judges will consider the quality of the writing and presentation and, where appropriate, analysis. Submit up to three stories on a single topic or various topics.
  14. CRITICISM/REVIEWS – For writing demonstrating a journalist’s competence in evaluating performance, restaurants, books, recorded music or other cultural events or entities. Submit three pieces by one author as one entry.
  15. EDUCATION – For coverage of schools, teaching or education-related topics by an individual, team or staff. Submit up to five samples and any related multimedia content as one entry.
  16. POLITICS – For coverage of public issues, elections, political campaigns, candidates, campaign finance or government by an individual, team or staff. Submit up to five stories and related multimedia content as one entry.
  17. SPECIAL SECTION/NICHE PUBLICATION – For a niche publication or special section devoted to a single topic. Judges will consider the depth of coverage, presentation, and quality of writing. Submit one section or niche publication.


(Entries accepted from broadcast and cable TV outlets or other video outlets)


The original video and submission length may be at most 10 minutes for single news entries. Eligible multipart news series entries may include two (2) but at most five (5) separate reports from the series. The total submission time limit for news series entries may be at most 15 minutes.

  1. BREAKING NEWS – For coverage of a single unexpected news event that highlights urgency. Submit a video from same-day coverage. Submission length must not exceed 10 minutes.
  2. CONTINUING COVERAGE – For ongoing coverage of a topic or significant event over time. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  3. EXPLANATORY REPORTING – For coverage of a complex issue that clearly explains a topic or event from start to finish. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  4. INVESTIGATIVE – For a single report or series that focuses on one subject matter and includes extensive research. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  5. NEWS FEATURE – For a single story that includes a personal, emotional or creative slant beyond just gathering facts. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  6. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT – For general entertainment and/or performing arts coverage. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  7. CRIME/JUSTICE – For coverage of crime, victims or justice-related topics. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  8. PROFILES – For coverage of an individual who has overcome obstacles or made significant contributions to their community. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  9. EDUCATION – For coverage of schools, teaching or education-related topics. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  10. POLITICS – For coverage of political, civil or government-related topics. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  11. WEATHER – For coverage of a weather-related event. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  12. SPORTS STORY– For coverage of a single sporting event, athletes, coaches and other related topics. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  13. SPORTS PROGRAM – For a daily or weekly sports program, which can be live or pre-recorded. Maximum run time: 30 minutes.
  14. NEWSCAST – For excellence in a regularly scheduled newscast. Judges will consider overall content, presentation, enterprise, writing, format, teases, etc. NOTE: This award is for producers only. Please remove all commercial breaks with 2 seconds of black between each break. For newscasts exceeding 30 minutes, entrants may submit up to 3 excerpts.


(Entries accepted from broadcast radio, podcasts and other outlets producing audio)
  1. BREAKING NEWS – For clear, accurate and engaging coverage of a single unexpected news event by an individual or team. Judges will consider deadline pressure and the complexity of the subject. Submit audio from same-day coverage. Submission length must not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. GENERAL NEWS – For non-breaking news coverage. It may include planned coverage of a single event or in-depth reporting. Submit audio from a single story. Submission length must not exceed 15 minutes.
  3. CONTINUING COVERAGE – For ongoing coverage of a topic or significant event over time, including several reports over some time. Entry should not be longer than 15 minutes.
  4. ENTERPRISE/EXPLANATORY REPORTING – For coverage that reflects initiative, ingenuity, use of sources and/or special research to dig deeper or capture more complexity than a typical news story. Submit audio from a single report or a series of reports not longer than 30 minutes in total. Entry can be by an individual or team.
  5. INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING – For reporting that demonstrates initiative, persistence and resourcefulness in pursuing information that is restricted, hidden or not readily available and is of public interest and significance. COVER LETTER REQUIRED, explaining reporting process and impact or results. Submit a single piece or a series on the same topic with a maximum combined run time of 60 minutes.
  6. FEATURES – For individual storytelling excellence. Judges will consider the use of narrative, humor or drama, style and creativity beyond just gathering facts. Submit one story of not more than 15 minutes. 
  7. PROFILES – For reporting that depicts the character and personality of a story subject. Submit one story of no more than 15 minutes.
  8. SPORTS – For coverage of any sport or athletic endeavor, including features about athletes or a specific sport. Judges will consider clarity and style. Submit audio of no more than three reports covering a single topic with a run time of 15 minutes or less.
  9. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT – For coverage of the arts, entertainment or other cultural news. Entry may include news, profiles and features. Judges will consider the quality of the writing and presentation and, where appropriate, analysis. Submit up to three stories on a single topic or various issues with a total run time of not longer than 15 minutes.
  10. EDUCATION – For coverage of schools, teaching or education-related topics by an individual or team. Submit up to five audio pieces with a run time of not more than 15 minutes.
  11. POLITICS – For coverage of public issues, elections, political campaigns, candidates, campaign finance or government by an individual or team. Submit up to five audio pieces with a total run time of not more than 15 minutes.


(Entries accepted from any medium)
  1. HEALTH – For reporting clearly on health, including medicine, community health and health policy, and the health effects of COVID-19 by an individual or team. Print/online: Submit three to five stories and related multimedia content as one entry. TV/Radio/Audio: An entry should not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. ENVIRONMENT/SCIENCE – For reporting by an individual or team on environmental issues, including climate change; or science, including technology, and the impacts on individuals and society. Print/online: Submit three to five stories and related multimedia content as one entry. TV/Radio/Audio: An entry should not exceed 15 minutes.
  3. RELIGION – For reporting by an individual or team on religion, issues of faith or spirituality. Print/online: Submit three to five stories and related multimedia content as one entry. TV/Radio/Audio: An entry should not exceed 15 minutes.
  4. BUSINESS – For coverage of business, finance or consumer issues by an individual, team or staff. Print/online: Submit three to five stories and any related multimedia content. TV/Radio/Audio: Submit up to five audio pieces with a maximum run time of 15 minutes.


(Entries accepted from any medium)
  1. BREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY – For photojournalism produced on deadline. Judges will consider deadline pressure, the complexity of the subject and visual presentation. Submit photos with cutlines from up to three stories as one entry, but no more than six images. Be sure to include the accompanying story or link to the story.
  2. GENERAL NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY – For photojournalism by an individual for any non-deadline news event. Submit a single photo with a cutline/caption. Link to or include accompanying story – if any.
  3. FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY – For feature photography by an individual. Submit a single photo with a cutline/caption. Link to or include the accompanying story, if any, or contextual information.
  4. PHOTO SPREAD/ESSAY – For a group of photographs on a single theme published as part of a single story or as a stand-alone layout. Submit no more than six images with cutlines. Link to or include the accompanying story or contextual information.
  5. GRAPHICS/ILLUSTRATIONS – For infographics, illustrations or data visualizations. Submit up to three examples by an individual or team as one entry, including the associated stories or links to them online.
  6. FRONT PAGE DESIGN-NEWSPAPERS – For layout that enhances and improves audience experience and engagement. Submit PDFs or links of up to three pages as one entry.
  7. COVER DESIGN-MAGAZINES – For layout that enhances and improves audience experience and engagement. Submit PDFs or links of up to three pages as one entry.
  8. WEB DESIGN  – For presentation that enhances and improves audience experience and engagement. Submit PDFs or links of up to three pages as one entry.


(Entries accepted from marketing and PR firms and corporate communications teams)
  1. PRESS RELEASE WRITING – For excellence in press release writing by an individual published or distributed by a business or organization. Submit a PDF or link to a single press release.
  2. FEATURE WRITING – For excellence in feature writing by an individual published or distributed by a business or organization. Submit a PDF or link to a single feature story.
  3. PHOTOGRAPHY – For excellence in photography by an individual published or distributed by a business or organization. Submit a jpeg, png, PDF or link to a single photo.
  4. CAMPAIGN – For excellence in the creation and execution of any advertising, marketing or promotional campaign by an individual or group that was published or distributed to promote a business or organization’s specific objectives. This includes social media, digital, print, multimedia, advertising, internal promotion, direct mailing, printed booklets, etc. or any combination of these items. Submit PDFs or links to at least three pieces of the campaign and a description of the campaign’s goals, execution details and any available results.
  5. NEWSLETTER – For excellence in newsletters for corporations, nonprofits or other organizations. Submit up to three newsletters via links or PDFs with confirmation of send.
  6. PROMOTIONAL PUBLICATIONS – For excellence in publications intended for an audience other than an internal audience. Submit one complete publication via PDF or link.


  1. STUDENT-SPECIAL PROJECTS – For special projects that show exemplary reporting, writing, photography or videography. These should be student-generated and not part of an ongoing university-sponsored project. COVER LETTER REQUIRED.
  2. STUDENT-BREAKING NEWS – For clear, accurate and engaging coverage of a single, unexpected news event by individuals or teams. Judges will consider deadline pressure and the complexity of the subject. Submit up to three articles, audio or video from same-day coverage, including sidebars or related multimedia content. Audio and video clips should not exceed 15 minutes.
  3. STUDENT-GENERAL NEWS – For non-breaking news coverage. It may include planned coverage of a single event or in-depth reporting. Submit up to three articles, audio or video, including sidebars or related multimedia content. Audio and video clips should not exceed 15 minutes.
  4. STUDENT-FEATURES – For individual storytelling excellence. Judges will consider the use of narrative, humor or drama, style, creativity, clarity and suitability of the content to the subject. Submit one story. Audio and video entries should not exceed 15 minutes.
  5. STUDENT-SPORTS – For coverage of any sport or athletic endeavor regardless of platform. Judges will consider clarity and style. Submit a single story or no more than three stories representing continuing coverage of a single topic. Audio and video clips should not exceed 15 minutes.
  6. STUDENT-EDITORIALS – For opinion writing representing a news outlet’s position on a topic or issue. Judges will consider the value to the community, style, reasoning, originality, and audience interest. Submit three editorials as one entry. Audio and video entries should not exceed 15 minutes.
  7. STUDENT-COMMENTARY – For commentary or analysis by an individual. Blogs are eligible. Judges will consider the quality of expression, clarity, and originality. Submit three pieces as one entry. Maximum run time for video or audio: 15 minutes.
  8. STUDENT-ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT REPORTING – For coverage of arts, entertainment, restaurants and other cultural news. Entry may include columns, profiles or features. Judges will consider the quality of the content and presentation and, where appropriate, analysis. Submit three samples as one entry. Maximum run time for video or audio: 15 minutes.
  9. STUDENT-CRITICISM/REVIEWS – For analysis demonstrating a journalist’s competence in evaluating performances, restaurants, books, recorded music, motion pictures or other cultural events or entities. Submit three samples as one entry. Maximum run time for video or audio: 15 minutes.
  10. STUDENT-BUSINESS – For coverage of consumer issues, business or finance, including the college athletics industry and the finances of institutions of higher learning. Judges will consider clarity and readability. Submit a single story or no more than three stories representing continuing coverage of a single topic. Maximum run time for video or audio: 15 minutes.
  11. STUDENT-EDUCATION – For coverage of education and academic policy, including institutions of higher education, teacher training and educational research. Judges will consider clarity and thoroughness. Submit three stories as one entry. Maximum run time for video or audio: 15 minutes. 
  12. STUDENT-NEWS PHOTO – For photojournalism by an individual of breaking or general news. Judges will consider visual presentation and photographic techniques. Submit one photo with an accompanying cutline/caption or video clip of not more than five minutes. Please include the accompanying story or link the story.
  13. STUDENT-FEATURE PHOTO – For feature photography by an individual. Judges will consider the complexity of the subject and visual presentation. Submit one photo with an accompanying cutline/caption. Please include the accompanying story or link the story, if any.
  14. STUDENT-PHOTO SPREAD/ESSAY – For a group of photographs on a single theme published as part of a single story or as a stand-alone layout. Submit the page or up to six images with cutlines/captions and an explanation of the context or the accompanying story or text. Links are acceptable.
  15. STUDENT-PHOTO PORTFOLIO – For photography that shows the work of a single photographer. Submit three to five photos with cutlines/captions.
  16. STUDENT-GRAPHICS/ILLUSTRATIONS — For infographics, illustrations or data visualizations. Submit three to five examples by an individual or team as one entry, including the associated stories or links to them online.
  17. STUDENT-PAGE DESIGN – For presentation that improves audience experience and engagement in print or online. Submit three examples as one entry.


(Recognizes excellence by an individual engaged in the craft of news presentation)
  1. OUTSTANDING NEWS ANCHOR – Based on coverage of several topics, credibility, delivery, and overall talent. Entry can include segments from regular newscasts, news specials, breaking news, etc. Entry should be no longer than 15 minutes, with two seconds of black between each segment.
  2. OUTSTANDING METEOROLOGIST – For regular weather segments or coverage of weather events. Entry should be no longer than 15 minutes, with two seconds of black between each segment.
  3. OUTSTANDING SPORTS ANCHOR – For regular sports segments or coverage of special sports events. Entry should be no longer than 15 minutes, with two seconds of black between each segment.
  4. OUTSTANDING TV NEWS WRITER – For excellence in news writing by an individual. Submit three to five excerpts as one entry. Maximum run time is 15 minutes, including two seconds of black between segments. Please include scripts.
  5. OUTSTANDING TV EDITOR – For excellence in video editing by an individual. Submit three to five excerpts as one entry. Maximum run time is 15 minutes, including two seconds of black between segments.
  6. OUTSTANDING PRINT/ONLINE EDITOR – For excellence in editing by line or copy editors. Submit three to five examples of how editing improved a reporter’s work. If possible, include original work or proof of edits for comparison.
  7. OUTSTANDING TV PHOTOGRAPHER – For excellence in TV photography by an individual. Submit up to five excerpts as one entry. Maximum run time is 15 minutes, including two seconds of black between segments.
  8. OUTSTANDING STILL PHOTOGRAPHER – For photography that shows the work of a single photographer. Submit or link three to five photos with cutlines/captions as one entry.
  9. OUTSTANDING RADIO/PODCAST HOST – For excellence in program or podcast hosting. Submit no more than five excerpts showing the host’s work with two-second breaks between excerpts.


(Entries accepted from all media)
  1. CHARLOTTE TILLAR SCHEXNAYDER PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD – For journalism that seeks to benefit society through extensive coverage of an issue facing a community, state or region. Awarded in honor of the late Charlotte Schexnayder, journalist, small-town newspaper publisher and Arkansas legislator. Entry MUST INCLUDE A COVER LETTER providing background context and results, if any. Judges will consider the issue’s significance, journalistic initiative, presentation, and results, if any. Submit five to seven articles — stories and opinion pieces. Maximum total run time for audio and video entries: 30 minutes.
  2. ROBERT S. MCCORD FOI AWARD – For coverage that focuses on the public’s right to know and carries on the legacy of the late Robert McCord, a former national SPJ president who is considered the father of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. COVER LETTER REQUIRED. Submit stories, opinion pieces, letters or other material (including audio or video) demonstrating how the nominee contributed to protecting or enhancing the public’s right to know. Limit of 10 articles or audio/video pieces. Audio or video limited to 30 minutes total.
  3. STUDENT JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR – For journalistic excellence demonstrated by an individual enrolled in an institution of higher learning. COVER LETTER REQUIRED. Submit a portfolio of five to seven pieces representative of work over the calendar year. Audio or video limited to 30 minutes total.
  4. EMERGING JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR – For journalistic excellence demonstrated by an individual who has worked fewer than five years in journalism. COVER LETTER REQUIRED. Submit a portfolio of five to seven pieces representative of work over the year. Audio or video limited to 30 minutes total.
  5. DIAMOND JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR – For reporting excellence by a journalist in any medium over the preceding year. COVER LETTER REQUIRED. Submit a portfolio of five to seven pieces representative of work over the year. Audio or video limited to 30 minutes total.


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